Sagittarius Solar Eclipse 2021

This total solar eclipse will be exact at 12 degrees of Sagittarius on 3 December 2021 at 11:43 p.m. PST/ 4 December 2021 at 2:43 a.m. EST/ 7:43 a.m. GMT

A solar eclipse is a new moon aligned with the earth in such a way that the moon temporarily blocks the sun's light. This blockage corresponds with our feelings (the moon) interfering with our perception (the sun).

In an astrological context, new moons are usually times for setting intentions and beginning new projects. An eclipse's blocked light, however, corresponds with undesirable results on earth. During eclipse season, it's best to refrain from starting new projects, as the strangely dark and often unpredictable eclipse energy ends up embedded in the energy of the endeavor.

The sun, moon and Mercury are all in the second decan of Sagittarius during this lunation. These placements correspond to passionate dedication to goals, world views and ideologies. The energy here assists those doggedly pursuing aims to completion, overcoming all obstacles.

With Mercury in this decan it can be difficult to perceive objectively, to sort out emotions from facts, potentially resulting in pursuit of ill-informed ideological goals. Picture an angry mob and the difficulty of de-escalating such a situation with rational speech. Mercury also remains hidden beneath the sun's beams, corresponding to veiled communications. Additionally, the sun, moon and Mercury are applying to square Neptune, blurring what is real with what is imagined.

Add up all of those Mercurial aspects and we get a tendency to devote ourselves to belief systems without seeing the full picture, resulting in relentlessly chasing unworthy goals.

This eclipse occurs near the moon's south node, also known as Ketu. In Vedic astrology, Ketu is mythologized as the headless body of a dragon, forever defecating the mysterious remains of unconscious consumption. This symbolizes a need for purification of those world views and goals referred to in the above paragraphs.

Because it's the sun's light that is obscured, a purification of the ego in relation to our world views is called for. Examine how you define your identity, what makes you yourself. Are you your political party? Your religion? Your area of expertise? Your accomplishments? This eclipse presents a tricky challenge, revealing the shortcomings of equating beliefs with identity.

Jupiter rules Sagittarius and is located in the third decan of Aquarius during the eclipse, teaching us to let go with grace. However, Mars' pursuit of unconscious and harmful desires in Scorpio challenges that wisdom, which is further complicated by a sextile to the Venus-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn and a trine to Neptune. Which means that our obsessive desire for something or someone interferes with our ability to perceive the truth clearly and cut ties with a source of diminishing returns.

As with any eclipse, it's best to approach the day it's exact cautiously. The two weeks afterward will also carry the eclipse's energy, so avoid beginning new projects until after the next lunation on December 18th if possible.

Observe what happens during this eclipse and what feelings arise. Be aware of a tendency toward motivated reasoning. Carefully employ critical thinking skills to discern the truth whenever emotions run high. Examine your beliefs for blind spots. Keep in touch with your therapist.

It may also be helpful to reflect on how your beliefs have changed over the past year and a half, as this eclipse is the last of a series of Sagittarius eclipses that began in June of 2020.

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