Taurus Lunar Eclipse 2021

This partial lunar eclipse will be exact at 27 degrees of Taurus on 19 November 2021 at 12:57 a.m. PT/ 3:57 a.m. ET/ 8:57 a.m. UK

Lunar eclipses are full moons with added darkness and mystery. Full moons typically coincide with the culmination of the past six months' efforts. There is often a tension between what we know (represented by the sun) and how we feel (represented by the moon). That tension comes from the sun and moon being 180 degrees apart on the ecliptic, which is called an opposition.

Eclipses pack two extra elements. First, the moon's light is temporarily obscured, corresponding with an inability to see what is felt or embodied. Second, eclipses occur when the sun and moon are within 15 degrees of the lunar nodes, Rahu (the North Node) and Ketu (aka the South Node). More about the nodes in a moment.

This eclipse chart features several additional planets joining the sun and moon in their oppositions. It's as if two teams are playing tug of war. Let's take a closer look at each team:

Team Moon

  • Moon: Located in Taurus' third decan, the focal point of this eclipse is an area of the Zodiac signifying material instability due to unpredictable and uncontrollable forces such as natural disasters.

  • Rahu/ North Node: The moon applies to Rahu in Gemini's first decan. In Vedic astrology, Rahu is a dragon's disembodied head, which consumes voraciously, never satisfied. This signifies sudden appearances of things premature or poorly planned. Rahu’s placement in Gemini is likely to coincide with over-abundant  options, opinions and communications as well as shadowy thoughts.

  • Uranus: Also in Taurus, Uranus here reiterates the theme of sudden disruption of material resources.

Combining these three players strongly indicates that we can expect the unexpected when it comes to topics like the environment, food, finances and other material resources we rely on for survival. But Team Moon also has a coach:

  • Venus: Taurus' ruler sits in Capricorn's second decan, supporting Uranus with a helpful trine. Venus here is organized and indicates well-executed, large-scale designs. This will hopefully help somewhat to stabilize the volatility of the moon, Rahu and Uranus.

Team Sun:

  • Sun: Smoldering in Scorpio's third decan, the sun's rays illuminate from a place of strong desires that can lead one astray if unchecked.

  • Ketu/ South Node: The sun applies to Ketu in Sagittarius' first decan. Ketu is the headless body of the dragon, the end where shit comes out. This indicates a need for purification of beliefs and goals, releasing old stories or revising perspectives.

  • Mercury: Approaching the sun, hidden beneath its beams, Mercury here indicates that desires and emotions strongly impact words and thoughts, but something about them is unseen. Logical thinking is further undermined by a trine to Neptune, inclining us toward  blending imagination with reality, resulting in 'alternative facts.'

  • Mars: As ruler of Scorpio, the God of War in this sign seeks to win at any cost, and isn't concerned with making friends. Mars opposes Uranus in a separating aspect, signaling volatile tension between wanting to have it all and the necessity of adjusting quickly to fluctuating resources.

Putting it all together:

On one side of the tug-of-war we have material instability supported by organized planning, and on the other we have unbridled passion losing its religion.

Also of note:

Pluto, the planet of unpleasant truths, in Capricorn, the sign of traditions, bureaucracies and hierarchies, offers support to both teams, but more so to Team Moon.

Jupiter, the planet of growth and pleasant truths, in Aquarius, the sign of bucking traditions and forging new paths alone, conflicts with both teams.

Unusually, every planet in this chart is somehow tied into this eclipse, which inclines me to think that, perhaps to a greater degree than usual, we'll all find ourselves wrapped up in whatever transpires around this time.

What to do:

Eclipses are never great times for beginning something new, since they are unpredictable and carry unclean energy.

The Mars-Uranus opposition could potentially result in physical injury, so avoid taking unnecessary risks during this time, especially while driving.

Make flexible plans that allow for unpredictability.

Be aware that communications may be murky and it may take some time and effort to see a situation clearly.

Seek compromise between what you want and what you need, while also adjusting to what is true.

While the eclipse energy will be most acute on the 19th, it sets the tone for the next two weeks. Since the next lunation will also be an eclipse, we can plan to feel a bit off for the next four weeks until the Gemini full moon on December 18th. Take care of yourself physically and mentally as best you can during this time. If you're feeling rough, remember it's only temporary.

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