Scorpio New Moon 2021

This new moon will be exact at 12 degrees of Scorpio on 4 November 2021 at 2:14 p.m. PT/ 5:14 p.m. ET/ 10:14 p.m. UK

This new moon is a time for setting intentions around what we desire and how we go about getting it.

Sound familiar? This has been an ongoing theme of the past several weeks, as the Sun-Mars conjunction marked the beginning of a two-year cycle of desire and will. That larger story arc began in the sign of Libra, where Mars must temper its hot action with politeness and consideration of others.

However, on October 30th, Mars moved into Scorpio, one of the signs it rules. Which means the pursuit of desired goals, objects and partners is no longer impeded by the Libran concern for what is fair or in the best interest of all involved. In Scorpio, Mars' desire can be both ravenous and strategic. Under its influence one can be tempted to manipulate others in order to get what one wants.

With the sun and moon together in the second decan of Scorpio, the focus of this lunation may be on partnership and intimacy. It could also be about fusing two things together in a more general sense.

This new moon will be in an extremely tight opposition to Uranus in Taurus. This indicates a tension between this intensely focused desire and something unpredictable in an area where we would normally want stability, especially regarding resources.

This lunation and its ruler Mars are also squared to Saturn in Aquarius. This means that actions taken toward the desired outcome are likely to encounter a barrier in the form of restrictions, boundaries and laws, especially those that serve the greater good. But since Mars is in the superior position, it's likely that its actions will succeed in spite of the conflict.

In the two weeks after this new moon, Mars will hit the exact square to Saturn on 10 November 2021 and then opposes Uranus a week later on 17 November.  So we can expect the conflict with authority to be especially intense around the 10th, followed by something unexpected and potentially destabilizing around the 17th.

With that in mind, we set our intentions for this new moon Scorpio-style: strategically. Consider what it is that you truly want. Come up with a plan to get it (try to avoid breaking the golden rule or violating your ethical code, though.) Consider what barriers, rules and responsibilities could get in the way of your goal, and how you might go about navigating those restrictions. Finally, expect the unexpected where resources are concerned, and do your best to prepare for that.

The next two lunations after this one will be eclipses (a.k.a. not the funnest times ever) followed by 40 days of Venus retrograde (tougher to connect with others) starting around the Winter Solstice and then another Mercury retrograde (communication difficulties) at the end of January.

The road may be a bit rocky for the next little while. But now, with this new moon, you've got the opportunity to plan ahead and figure out how to best prepare yourself to prevail over a few challenges.

As always, this lunation will affect different people in different ways depending on their individual charts. If you'd like personalized guidance for working with these energies, I'd be thrilled to assist you with a reading.

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