Leo New Moon 2022

Photo of a sneezing lion by Tambako the Jaguar on Flickr

This new moon will be exact at 5 degrees and 38 minutes of Leo on Thursday, 28 July 2022 at 10:55 a.m. PDT/ 1:55 p.m. EDT / 6:55 p.m. BST

In This Article

  • New Moons in General

  • This New Moon's Chart

  • TLDR Summary

  • Recommendations

  • Topics by Rising Sign

New Moons in General

New moons coincide with new beginnings and thus indicate good times for intention setting and initiating new endeavors.

New moons occur every 28 days. Over the course of one year, there will be one new moon in each of the twelve signs, which correspond to each of the twelve houses (areas of life) in your birth chart. You can use these events as occasions to annually review each one. Consider the topics represented in each new moon's chart and set related goals for the corresponding life area. That way, you'll intentionally work on every part of your life throughout the year, focusing on one per month. The Topics by Rising Sign section at the end of this article will help you determine which life area this new moon will activate in your natal chart.

Set your intentions on the day of the new moon. The two weeks following the new moon are typically excellent times to take initial steps related to those intentions. For the next six months, set goals, make plans and take actions in alignment with those intentions.

Six months later, when the full moon occurs in the same sign, check in with how your approach to your goal has served you, and readjust as needed.

This New Moon's Chart

  • Moon conjunct sun in Leo's first decan: This new moon concerns being seen by others and how we perform for others' approval. It's a good time to consider how we curate our image, just like an actor or writer controls the story that is told by showing certain scenes and characteristics, while omitting others.

  • Moon and sun applying to trine Jupiter (stationing retrograde) in Aries' first decan: Optimism about independence invigorates our decisions about how we'd like others to see us.

  • Moon and sun copresent with Mercury in Leo's second decan: Inspirational public speaking plays an important role in this new cycle.

  • Mercury separating from a square to Mars in Taurus's second decan, applying to square Uranus and oppose Saturn: Inspirational public speech or creative performance conflicts with both fluctuating motivation and also with an increasing number of unexpected changes to what are normally dependable resources. Public speech and creative performance also oppose restrictions, rules, and obligations that are meant to protect the public good, but may need revision to be relevant.

  • Venus in Cancer's second decan separating from squaring Jupiter and applying to sextile Mars and Uranus in Taurus' second decan: The desire to connect within a close circle of trusted others supports and energizes the fluctuating motivation and increasing surprising changes to what are normally stable resources. The desire to connect with those close to us conflicts with our enthusiasm for independence, but that is starting to feel easier to resolve.

TLDR Summary

As a public figure steps onto the stage to deliver an inspiring speech about the advantages of sovereignty in opposition to the status quo, their words are undermined by the instability of resources and energy levels. But the public figure controls what the audience sees, and also controls comfortable connections, which in turn control the resources and energy levels, which in turn control the optimism for independence.


  1. Set intentions: Consider the topics and themes described in the Chart Features and TLDR Summary section above. If you know your rising sign, check the list below for the topics this lunation will activate for you specifically. Spend some time brainstorming on these combined topics. What are the most positive, desirable versions of these themes you can imagine for yourself? If you find yourself imagining negative scenarios that seem dauntingly plausible, think about what practical steps you could take to turn that situation positive. I like to write a list of my goals during new moons, but you could get creative with it and make some art, or a vision board, to visually represent your intentions.

  2. Make plans: Once your intentions are set, consider actions to take over the next six months to make your vision a reality. Figure out what you'll do and decide when you'll do each thing.

  3. Plant metaphorical seeds: Over the next two weeks (between the now and the next full moon) take the first steps toward the goals you've set.

  4. Work that plan: Follow through on your plan for the next six months, until the Leo full moon, which will represent the culmination of your effort.

Topics by Rising Sign

If you know your rising sign you can further individualize your approach by considering the house topics Leo represents for you. If you don't know your rising sign, you can email me your birth date, time and city and I'll look it up for you: element@octothorpeindustries.com.

Aries: Creativity, children, leisure

Taurus: Home, family, private life

Gemini: Communication, daily schedule, siblings, commute

Cancer: Finances, values, self-worth

Leo: Self-presentation, appearance, personality, body

Virgo: Solitude, meditation, dreams, substance use, mental health

Libra: Community, friend groups, goals

Scorpio: Career, reputation, public life

Sagittarius: Beliefs, higher education, long-distance travel

Capricorn: Inheritance, shared resources, taxes, debt, mortality

Aquarius: Romantic partners, close friends, clients

Pisces: Physical health, work, chores, pets, service

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