Capricorn Full Moon 2022

This full moon will occur at 22 degrees and 21 minutes of Capricorn on Wednesday, 13 July 2022 at 11:38 a.m. PST/ 2:38 p.m. EST/ 7:38 p.m. BST

In This Article

  • Full Moons in General

  • This Full Moon's Chart Features

  • TLDR Summary

  • Recommendations

  • Topics by Rising Sign

Full Moons in General

Full moons coincide with the culmination of the past six months' efforts. They involve tension between what is felt physically or emotionally and what is known or seen.

The sign in which a particular full moon occurs corresponds to a different life area (or "house") for each person depending on one's rising sign. Use the Topics by Rising Sign section at the end of this article to identify which area of your life will be coming to fruition at the time of this full moon.

If you had set intentions six months ago during the new moon in the same sign, use this full moon to take stock of how those plans have worked out. Whether you'd set intentions or not, think about which approaches have served you, and which need to go in order for you to reach your goal. Then plan to drop whatever has proven to hinder your progress over the next six months. Focus on proven, functional approaches.

This Full Moon's Chart Features

  • Moon in Capricorn's 3rd decan, applying to a conjunction with Pluto: This full moon coincides with the culmination of the past 6 months' effort regarding traditions, hierarchies, business organizations, and institutions. This will likely illuminate some difficult truths regarding those topics, such as physical deterioration, ethical corruption, or abuse of power.

  • Capricorn's ruler Saturn in Aquarius' 3rd decan, trine Venus in Gemini, both in aversion to the lunation: The traditions, hierarchies, and institutions referenced above are acting in response to reworking the rules and obligations that we feel tied to, but also stifled by. The stabilizing force of these rules and obligations is sweetened by a variety of connections with vocal individuals. For some reason, the connection between the rules and the organizations they influence is not immediately apparent, possibly even hidden. One example this dynamic reminds me of is how corporations use their financial power to influence politics, often unbeknownst to those who consume their products.

  • Sun in Cancer's 3rd decan, conjunct Mercury in Cancer's 2nd decan: All of the above is brought to light amidst an atmosphere of luxuriant abundance and high culture. People will be talking about their feelings and speaking in a way that evokes emotions in others, though these communications may be hidden or spoken in private.

  • Neptune in Pisces' 3rd decan sextile moon, trine sun; Uranus in Taurus' 2nd decan conjunct North Node, trine moon, sextile sun, copresent with Mars: Illusions, imagination, and unforeseen disruptions support and energize what is revealed at this time regarding traditions, hierarchies, businesses and institutions.

TLDR Summary

It is brought to light that while some enjoy having more than they need, this glut is the result of a few people depriving many others of what they need to survive. What we don't see are the people behind the scenes, creating the laws and structures that allow for this ongoing thievery. Instead, we have our bread and circuses to distract us from what's happening. But what happens when the bread runs out?


  1. Review the past six months, specifically regarding traditions, hierarchies, businesses and institutions. Think back to what has happening during the Capricorn new moon back in January 2022, and how things have been going since then.

  2. Check the Topics by Rising Sign list below and think about the corresponding house topics as well. Consider the actions you've been taking in these areas of life and whether they are helping you achieve your goals.

  3. Keep what's working, discard the rest. Leave behind activities that aren't bringing you closer to your ideal vision for traditions, hierarchies, businesses and institutions in the life areas specified by the rising sign list. Focus your efforts on those approaches that do work.

Topics by Rising Sign

If you know your rising sign you can further individualize your approach by considering the house topics Capricorn represents for you. If you don't know your rising sign, you can email me your birth date, time and city and I'll look it up for you:

Aries: Career, reputation, public life

Taurus: Beliefs, higher education, long-distance travel

Gemini: Inheritance, shared resources, taxes, debt, mortality

Cancer: Romantic partners, close friends, clients

Leo: Physical health, work, chores, pets, service

Virgo: Creativity, children, leisure

Libra: Home, family, private life

Scorpio: Communication, daily schedule, siblings, commute

Sagittarius: Finances, values, self-worth

Capricorn: Self-presentation, appearance, personality, body

Aquarius: Solitude, meditation, dreams, substance use, mental health

Pisces: Community, friend groups, goals

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