Capricorn New Moon 2022

This new moon will be exact at 12 degrees and 20 minutes of Capricorn on January 2nd, 2022 at 10:33 a.m. PST/ 1:33 p.m. EST/ 6:33 p.m. GMT

This lunation is a great time to set intentions and make plans to begin practical projects requiring sustained ambition and hard work.

This New Moon’s Chart Features:

  • Sun and Moon in Capricorn’s second decan: This new moon is great for beginning practical projects. This area of Capricorn is more concerned with the cold, hard facts and the bottom line than with tender feelings. It’s a great energy for taking care of business and financial matters, or tackling a long-term goal that will require hard work and determination.

  • Sun and Moon copresent with Venus retrograde and Pluto in Capricorn’s third decan: This business-like tone also carries a feeling of self-reliance, withdrawing from others to connect with oneself. There can also be themes of obsession, intense emotions and difficult truths.

  • Sun and Moon separating trine to Uranus in Taurus: That which begins at this time flows harmoniously with ongoing changes and disruptions to resources. Perhaps plans are set to work with or address these changes.

  • Capricorn’s ruler Saturn in Aquarius’ second decan: This lunation’s theme of responsibility and discipline comes from a place of objective detachment and an ability to relate to both sides of an issue without landing on either.

  • Mercury copresent with Saturn in Aquarius’ first decan, in its retrograde shadow: We should be able to verbalize boundaries and communicate responsibilities and think about our obligations. It’s also possible that we find our thinking or communications blocked in some way. However, what we say, think and write over the next two weeks will be reviewed for editing during Mercury’s retrograde, which will run from January 14th through February 4th.

  • Saturn sextile Mars in Sagittarius’ second decan: The drive to pursue ideological goals energizes and supports the upholding of  impersonal boundaries and obligations to the collective.

  • Sagittarius’ ruler Jupiter in Pisces’ first decan: These ideological goals have a more optimistic flavor now than they have in recent months. There is a sense that the world is a friendly and safe place. It’s important to remember to balance that sense of optimism with a grounded assessment of the facts to avoid naive mistakes.


  • Brainstorm about practical projects on which to begin work over the next six months. Set a timeline for completing your goal. Refer to the rising sign list below for the specific area of life on which to focus your intention-setting.

  • To work proactively with the qualities of self-reliance, obsession, difficult truths and intense emotions that this lunation carries, challenge yourself to imagine positive manifestations with which to infuse your projects and intentions. For example, you might decide to tackle the problem of food instability in your community by volunteering at a food bank. Or you might address the problem of sexual assault by starting a non-profit organization. Or you may simply address your own difficulties by implementing a self-care routine.

  • Think of your intentions now as rough draft of the final project. Plan to revisit your designs during Mercury’s retrograde from January 14th through February 4th.

  • Enjoy a more optimistic outlook on life while remembering to keep one foot on the ground, checking the facts and staying safe.

Topics by Rising Sign:

If you know your rising sign, you can further individualize your approach by considering the house topics Capricorn represents for you. Here’s a quick guide:

Aries: Career, reputation

Taurus: Beliefs, higher education, long-distance travel

Gemini: Inheritance, shared resources, taxes, debt, mortality

Cancer: Romantic partners, close friends, clients

Leo: Physical health, work, chores, pets, service

Virgo: Creativity, children, leisure

Libra: Home, family

Scorpio: Communication, daily schedule, siblings, commute

Sagittarius: Finances, values, self-worth

Capricorn: Self-presentation, appearance, personality, body

Aquarius: Solitude, meditation, dreams, substance use, mental health

Pisces: Community, friend groups, goals

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