Scorpio New Moon 2024
Digital collage by Christina Libetti
This new moon will be exact at 9°35' Scorpio on Friday, 1 November at 5:47 a.m. PDT/ 8:47 a.m. EDT/ 12:47 p.m. GMT
New Moons in General
Each lunation-- whether it's a new moon, a full moon, or an eclipse-- sets the tone for the next two weeks until the following one. But they also mark important pivot points in our lives, and connect with previous and future lunations six months apart. In other words, a new moon in Aries will be followed six months later by a full moon in Aries, which will be followed by new moon in Aries six months after that and so on.
New moons coincide with new beginnings and thus indicate good times for intention setting and initiating new endeavors. The moon is so close to the sun during a new moon that we can't see it, and nights are darker as a result. This is like the darkness of a seed freshly planted in soil. As the moon gains light over the next two weeks, that metaphorical seed begins to sprout. When the full moon occurs in the same sign six months later, it will be time to harvest the fruits of your effort.
New moons occur every 28 days. Over the course of one year, there will be one new moon in each of the twelve signs, which correspond to each of the twelve houses in your birth chart. The houses represent different areas of life, such as career, relationships, family, etc.
In this way you can use these events as occasions to annually review each part of your life. Consider the topics represented in each new moon's chart and set related goals for the corresponding life area. That way, you'll intentionally work on every part throughout the year, focusing on one per month.
The Topics by Rising Sign section at the end of this article will help you determine which life area this new moon will activate in your natal chart. If you'd like a more personalized approach, a reading will provide more insight than any horoscope app or blog ever could.
Set your intentions on the day of the new moon. The two weeks following the new moon are typically excellent times to take initial steps related to those intentions. For the next six months, set goals, make plans and take actions in alignment with those intentions.
Six months later, when the full moon occurs in the same sign, check in with how your approach to your goal has served you, and readjust as needed.
This New Moon's Chart Features
Moon conjunct sun in Scorpio's first decan*: This new moon begins a cycle of meeting one's needs and desires, then having more needs and desires arise again. Austin Coppock likens this portion of Scorpio to the cycle of hunger, wherein any sense of satisfaction is inevitably followed by a need for more. The Buddhist recognition of desire as the source of suffering acknowledges the difficulties here, and learning to accept these cycles as a part of life and finding some degree of detachment from them can help alleviate the struggle.
Scorpio's ruler Mars in Cancer's third decan, exchanging domiciles with Cancer's ruler, the Moon. Mars applying to tight opposition with Pluto. Mars also trine Neptune and sextile Uranus: Our attempts to meet our bottomless needs are once again in a feedback loop with our ambitions and passions, which are heavily influenced by how we're feeling at the moment. (Similar to the dynamic between the Moon and Mars during the previous full moon in Aries.) We so badly want things that may be out of our reach that we're willing to go to any lengths to get them, which may drive some to unethical behavior. These ambitions are in high tension with revelations about abuses of power within traditional, hierarchical structures such as families, institutions, corporations, and governments. Explosions both literal and metaphorical may result.
Moon and Sun copresent with Mercury in Scorpio's 3rd decan, trine Mars with reception, opposite Uranus conjunct Algol in Taurus' third decan. Mercury also sextile Pluto and trine Neptune: We may be able to gain insight into the nature of these needs and desires intellectually, but our thinking and communications will be strongly influenced by how we're feeling at a given moment, rendering us less objective and more prone to projection. Additionally, our thoughts and communications are in tension with the shock of ongoing disruptions to resources as a result of natural disasters, technological developments, and broken supply chains. It will be easy to imagine worst-case scenarios and difficult to perceive what's really going on. Take care to consider what effect sharing your thoughts might have on a given audience, and whether silence may be the better option.
Moon and Sun applying to trine Saturn, retrograde in Pisces' second decan: As we begin this new cycle of meeting our needs, we are able to easily accept and work with boundaries that separate worlds, and perhaps find ways to pass between them.*
Also worth noting:
Venus moving to oppose Jupiter exact on November 3rd: While not directly related to this lunation, we may be able to look forward to an uplifting and pleasant sort of tension a couple of days after. People may be inclined to connect with each other over their beliefs to achieve a goal, perhaps even if their beliefs are in disagreement with one another.
Mercury will enter its pre-retrograde shadow at 6°23' Sagittarius on November 7th: Things said and done after this date will be reviewed later when Mercury stations retrograde at the end of November. Sign up for the newsletter to get early access to the forthcoming article on Mercury's retrograde.
Mars in pre-retrograde shadow: read more about that here.
*I draw heavily on Austin Coppock's book 36 Faces as a reference for writing about the decans.
Chart Summary
This new moon is an opportunity to set intentions for how we will get our recurring needs met over the course of the next six months. We may want something so badly that some are tempted to betray their own ethics to get it. Some may even resort to violence. We may also have the opportunity to gain deep insight into the psychology underpinning our intense desires, but we may be wise to keep these insights to ourselves or otherwise risk alienating others or thwarting our larger aims. We should have an easy time reconciling our recurring needs with the rules and boundaries that separate one place or paradigm from another, and may find ways to move between the two.
There is an interesting overlap in the span of time between this new moon, the following full moon in Scorpio and Mars' upcoming retrograde cycle. Mars will finally leave its retrograde shadow on May 6th 2025, and the Scorpio full moon will be May 12th 2025.
Many of the important dates in the Mars cycle line up with important dates related to the U.S. election, certification of results, and presidential inauguration.
For those of us in the U.S., this will clearly be an important lunation as it relates to the election on November 5th. Each vote cast that day will be like a seed planted, bearing its fruit in May. It may be wise to start strategizing now for how we will meet our needs in the event of either party winning. There is a very real possibility that we will be living under a fascist dictatorship next year, with a president willing to turn the U.S. military against its own people and a judicial system intent on rolling back rights for women, queer people, and others. In addition to voting against that future, what else can we do now to prepare ourselves?
Beyond the U.S., armed conflicts seem to be amplifying, not dissipating. Natural disasters are also increasing in their destructiveness. AI is becoming more powerful than many of us realize. Perhaps we should be making plans now for how we would handle future supply chain disruptions, food shortages, job loss, the collapse of public health insurance, and other potential results of instability.
With Mercury entering its retrograde shadow on November 7th and Mars already well into its own retrograde shadow, events occurring between this new moon and the next full moon in Taurus on November 15th carry more significance than usual, as they are likely to come up again later for review. Keep this in mind as you choose which battles are worth revisiting and which plans should be sketched in pencil, not carved in stone.
Be strategic: Scorpio is a sign concerned with strategy. This new moon is about getting our needs met in an increasingly unstable world. What do you need to learn about to make good plans for meeting your needs given the current state of the world and the direction it seems to be headed? What skills do you need to develop?
Don’t freak out: I know that this is not the rosiest picture of the future. But freaking out is generally not very useful. Do what you need to do to calm yourself so you can think clearly enough to make smart plans. That might mean taking breaks from social media and news outlets to watch some comedy, talk to a friend, go for a hike, dance or meditate. Try to find a balanced way of staying informed of what's going on in the world around you without being crippled by overwhelm.
Set intentions: Consider the topics and themes described in the Chart Features and Summary sections above. If you know your rising sign, check the list below for the topics this lunation will activate for you specifically. Spend some time brainstorming on these combined topics. What are the most positive, desirable versions of these themes you can imagine for yourself? If you find yourself imagining negative scenarios that seem dauntingly plausible, think about what practical steps you could take to turn that situation in a positive direction. I like to write a list of my goals during new moons, but you could get creative with it and make art, music, poetry, a vision board or find some other way represent your intentions.
Be mindful of upcoming Mercury and Mars retrogrades: Plan to be flexible, as your initial moves toward your goal will likely need to be revisited and revised several times over the next six months.
Make plans: Once your intentions are set, consider actions to take over the next six months to make your vision a reality. Figure out what you'll do and when you'll do it.
Plant metaphorical seeds: Over the next two weeks (between the now and the next full moon) take the first steps toward the goals you've set, even if they are only symbolic steps.
Work that plan: Follow through on your plan for the next six months, until the Scorpio full moon, which will represent the culmination of your effort.
Topics by Rising Sign
If you know your rising sign you can further individualize your approach by considering the house topics Scorpio represents for you. If you don't know your rising sign, you can email me your birth date, time and city and I'll look it up for you:
Aries: Inheritance, shared resources, taxes, debt, mortality
Taurus: Romantic partners, close friends, clients
Gemini: Physical health, work, chores, pets, service
Cancer: Creativity, children, leisure
Leo: Home, family, private life
Virgo: Communication, daily schedule, siblings, commute
Libra: Finances, values, self-worth
Scorpio: Self-presentation, appearance, personality, body
Sagittarius: Solitude, meditation, dreams, substance use, mental health
Capricorn: Community, friend groups, goals
Aquarius: Career, reputation, public life
Pisces: Beliefs, higher education, long-distance travel