Aries Full Moon 2024
Digital collage by Christina Libetti
This full moon will occur at 24 degrees and 35 minutes of Aries on Thursday, 17 October 2024 at 4:26 a.m. PDT / 7:26 a.m. EDT/ 12:26 p.m. BST
In This Article
Full Moons in General
Each lunation-- whether it's a new moon, a full moon, or an eclipse-- sets the tone for the next two weeks until the following one. But they also mark important pivot points in our lives, and connect with previous and future lunations six months apart. In other words, a new moon in Aries will be followed six months later by a full moon in Aries, which will be followed by new moon in Aries six months after that and so on.
Full moons coincide with the culmination of the past six months' efforts in a particular area of life. In the two weeks since the previous new moon, energy has been building. At the full moon, that energy is filled to the brim and ready to overflow.
Full moons involve tension between the physical, emotional state represented by the moon and the spotlight of visibility and attention represented by the sun. During a full moon these two luminaries are in polar opposite degrees of the Zodiac, trying to go in opposite directions and causing internal and external conflicts. This tension can be energizing and destabilizing, and the area of life that is impacted by a given full moon may feel as if it is overflowing and ready for some kind of release.
The sign in which a particular full moon occurs corresponds to a different life area (represented by houses in astrological charts) for each person depending on one's rising sign. Use the Topics by Rising Sign section at the end of this article to identify which area of your life will be coming to fruition at the time of this full moon. If you'd like a more personalized approach, a reading will provide more insight than any horoscope app or blog ever could.
If you had set intentions six months ago during the new moon in the same sign, use this full moon to take stock of how those plans have worked out. Whether you'd set intentions or not, think about which approaches you've taken in this area of life have served you, and which need to go in order for you to reach your goals. Then plan to drop whatever has proven to hinder your progress over the next six months.
This Full Moon's Chart Features
Moon in Aries' third decan*, in a mutual reception with Aries' ruler Mars in Cancer's third decan, with the Moon in the superior position. Mars applying to oppose Pluto in Capricorn's third decan: This full moon coincides with the culmination of the past six months' efforts to process feelings by expressing them to an audience, with the goal of persuading them to a point of view and uniting them for a cause. The feelings are responding to ruthless, deceptive, or unethical actions taken to achieve a goal. Those actions are in explosive tension with revelations of abuses of power within hierarchical systems. The actions taken and the feelings about them are both conflicting and feeding each other in an unending loop.
Sun in Libra's third decan conjunct Spica and Arcturus, with Libra's ruler Venus in aversion in Scorpio's third decan and Scorpio's ruler Mars in Cancer. Venus opposite Uranus in Taurus' third decan: The feelings outlined in the previous bullet are illuminated by an opposing spotlight on leadership, diplomacy and endless adaptation to constantly shifting conditions. But that spotlight is responding to unseen and unconscious desires influenced by the potentially problematic actions described in the previous bullet. And those hidden desires are being radicalized by ongoing changes to resources that were once stable, but increasingly threaten to disappear with the next catastrophic act of nature or war.
Jupiter retrograde in Gemini's third decan, conjunct Capella, sextile the Moon and trine the Sun, with Gemini ruler Mercury in Scorpio's first decan, in aversion: One potentially ameliorating factor in this lunation is a revisiting of recent expansion in all directions and speedily tending to the nourishment needs of those caught between the crosshairs of all that was described in the previous two bullets. However, those directing that help, while clever and tactful, will be unable to fully see the operations of which they are in charge, so their ability to help will be limited.
*I use Austin Coppock's book 36 Faces as a reference for writing about the decans.
This full moon coincides with the culmination of the past six month's efforts to perform one's felt reality for an audience to unite them toward a common goal. We're likely so fired up with frustration and anger about what we want that we're willing to do questionable things to get them. That feeling inspires us to speak out to inspire action in others, which results in more questionable actions, which results in more fiery feelings, and so on. Traditional structures, hierarchies and institutions stand in the way of action, further igniting fury, resulting in explosions both literal and metaphorical.
A focus on leadership, diplomatic efforts, and adaptation to shifting circumstances shines a light on our feelings about events, creating tension between those who seek to maintain or restore peace and those who wish to pursue a path of violence or deception. These leaders, diplomats and peacemakers are influenced by their own hidden desires, which are in tension with and radicalized by an ever-changing landscape and an unreliable supply of vital resources.
There is some limited relief from these tensions in the form of speedy, nourishing aid, but that aid may be dispersed in a way that is too wide-reaching to be super useful, and those in charge of managing that aid are unable to fully see what they're doing or communicate with those who are receiving or dispensing it.
This looks like a super challenging full moon. It's not difficult to imagine how what the planets describe could play out in world events: wars escalated; attempts to broker peace thwarted; social media on fire with everyone upset about what's happening; insufficient aid to victims of violence and natural disasters; and global supply shortages due to climate change and violent conflicts.**
For the average individual living in the US, there is no need to panic. But we can probably anticipate elevated stress levels, an increased need for problem solving, and an above average difficulty at reaching a solution. Be extra careful in situations that feel like they could blow up, because the odds they will are higher than usual.
Everyone will be feeling this in their own way, from their own perspective, with their own charts. It can help to approach others with the understanding that they are probably just as stressed as you are. It may also be beneficial to remind yourself that this tough moment will eventually pass, and if we handle it skillfully, we can avoid the worst possible outcomes.
With Mars being in its pre-retrograde shadow at this time, things that happen now will come back for review over the next six month. Read more about Mars' upcoming retrograde here.
If you are a person eligible to vote in the U.S. who does not want to see Trump win the presidential election, I strongly advise doing everything in your power to see to it that that does not happen. Double check that you are registered to vote. Understand that abstaining from voting or voting for a third party candidate are both actions that favor Trump. There are two versions of the future available to us now and one is exponentially worse than the other. Do not take this election lightly. Do not assume everything will be fine and that life will continue as normal if he wins. There are only two choices. Neither is perfect, but one is absolute hell for the majority of people in this country. It is very likely that there will be no returning to the rights gained for BIPOC, LGBTQ, women, and poor people over recent decades if we lose this election. And this may be obvious, but you also have to vote for senators, congress people, and local stuff too or else progress within our government will be impossible.
How this full moon will play out in your own life will depend on where it falls in, and how it interacts with, your own chart. There is no substitution for a consultation with a skilled astrologer, but the Topics by Rising Sign section below can help give you clues if you'd prefer to try to sleuth it out on your own.
**Please forgive me if I did the semicolon thing wrong. I may never understand them.
Review the past six months, specifically regarding how you perform your feelings as a way to unite others. Think back to what happened during the Aries solar eclipse on April 8th, and how things have been going since then.
Check the Topics by Rising Sign list below and think about the corresponding house topics as well. Consider the actions you've been taking in these areas of life and whether they are helping you achieve your goals.
Check yourself. Things are more likely than usual to blow up and then come back to haunt you later, so use your better judgement in tense situations.
Keep what's working, discard the rest. Leave behind activities that aren't bringing you closer to your ideal vision for acting out what you feel to inspire action in others in the life areas specified by the rising sign list. Focus your efforts on those approaches that do work.
Topics by Rising Sign
If you know your rising sign you can further individualize your approach by considering the house topics Aries represents for you. If you don't know your rising sign, you can email me your birth date, time and city and I'll look it up for you:
Aries: Self-presentation, appearance, personality, body
Taurus: Solitude, meditation, dreams, substance use, mental health
Gemini: Community, friend groups, goals
Cancer: Career, reputation, public life
Leo: Beliefs, higher education, long-distance travel
Virgo: Inheritance, shared resources, taxes, debt, mortality
Libra: Romantic partners, close friends, clients
Scorpio: Physical health, work, chores, pets, service
Sagittarius: Creativity, children, leisure
Capricorn: Home, family, private life
Aquarius: Communication, daily schedule, siblings, commute
Pisces: Finances, values, self-worth