New Moon in Sagittarius 2019
Art by Element Octothorpe
This New Moon will be exact on 11/26/2019, 10:06 a.m. ET at 4 degrees of Sagittarius.
This new moon marks the moment of envisioning a new goal based upon what we have learned from quests undertaken during the past year while Jupiter has traveled Sagittarius. We take that wisdom in the final days of Jupiter’s stay in that sign and use it to fuel our new intention for that part of life for the year ahead, mixing the enthusiasm of the beginner with the wisdom of the elder who knows the work that will be required to reach that goal.
This moment comes shortly after a couple of significant events: Mercury’s stationing direct in Scorpio and Mars’ ingress into the same sign. This allows us to gain clarity on whatever topic has preoccupied our minds during the retrograde, to know what we want and have the ability to express it. Shortly after Mars enters Scorpio, he opposes Uranus in Taurus, triggering a rebellion against stifling stability. Our comfort zones are killing us, and this transit is a wake up call to adventure.
Finally, in the moments leading up to this lunation, Venus ingresses into Capricorn. Connections may take on a more distant, serious, or responsible tone. We may have to confront power structures or unsavory aspects of ancestry. The area of life represented by Capricorn has been experiencing a massive purge since January 2019. Perhaps at this time we find others to connect with over these topics, or perhaps the usual flow of connections dries out and cools off for a bit, and we spend more time alone than usual.
Meanwhile, Mercury applies to a trine with Neptune and a sextile to Saturn in the chart for this new moon. If we use these aspects intentionally, we could have the potential to use our words and our thoughts to connect with our dreams and make them a reality. There may be an increased potential for expressing dreams and visions if one consciously seizes this opportunity. Otherwise, one could waste the transformative potential binging on their favorite time-waster. Use your words and thoughts like the magical tools that they are, remaining mindful that whatever you put out will come back to you. Avoid gossip and useless bitching unless your goal is to create more things to complain about. Lean in toward transforming your difficulties with creative thinking and reframing. Take this opportunity to experiment with the theory that thoughts are causative.
It is with all of these influences passing and building that we set our intentions for the year ahead in whatever part of our lives Sagittarius represents for us.
Horoscopes by Rising Sign (AKA Ascendant)
Aries Risisng:
Over the past year, you’ve been on a quest to develop and grow your vision of what the world is and how it works. This new moon is the time to set new intentions for the year ahead regarding topics of travel, higher education, philosophy and spirituality. You’ve likely been rethinking and reworking those things you share with a partner or others close to you, and may have recently hit a breaking point that caused you to make a dramatic change regarding your own finances and possessions as you gained clarity on what you really want. Now there is the potential to connect this clarity with your unconscious or dream life, to create something tangible in your career or public role. Think of how your travels, education, philosophical or spiritual pursuits over the next year could support you in these areas and start taking steps in the direction of these goals.
Taurus Rising:
For the past year, Jupiter’s journey through Sagittarius has been growing the things that you have but cannot claim ownership of: those things that you share with a partner or housemates and debt. It may also have connected you more deeply to those who no longer inhabit living human bodies, expanding your relationship with the dead in, hopefully, an uplifting way. There may also have been lessons in the liberation and adventure inherent in letting go of a thing that once brought stability. In light of this journey, this new moon invites you to set your intentions for what you would like to manifest in the year ahead as far as these topics are concerned. Would you like to reduce your debt? Start an ancestor practice? Pledge to donate time or money to a cause that is important to you? Define improved boundaries or guidelines around how you will share with others in light of what the past year has taught you, and begin to take steps that will take you to the fulfilment of these goals by this time next year.
Gemini Rising:
In many ways, 2019 has led to growth and expansion in your relationships. Based on what you’ve learned from the events of the past year, use this time to set intentions around what your goals are for your intimate partnerships and close friends. You may have been rethinking a work situation in recent weeks during Mercury’s retrograde. Both the direct station and Mars’ ingress into the same sign are likely to have brought clarity to this issue, shining light not just onto your ideals for your career, but also logistics regarding any resources you share with others. These revelations may have also triggered a degree of mental instability, or perhaps interfered with your ability to sleep. Meditation and physical self-care may be extra helpful during this time. These experiences may help you to define your intentions around how and with whom you’d like to be intimate over the coming year.
Cancer Rising:
Hopefully 2019 has been a year of improved health and work situations for you. At the very least, it should have been a learning experience regarding these topics. As Jupiter prepares to leave this area of your chart and see what he can do for your relationships, use this lunation to set goals for the year ahead for how you’d like to care for your body and how you’d like to handle the physical tasks required of you at work. Recent clarity around a creative endeavour may have triggered a change in your usually stable community. Creatively expressing your desires with a close friend or partner in a way that connects with your philosophical outlook on life could lead to progress or stabilisation.
Leo Rising:
The past year has hopefully helped to expand your creative endeavours and what you do for fun. Now you get to take those lessons to formulate a new goal for the year ahead as far as creation and recreation are concerned. You may be ready to undertake a project that will require a sustained effort over a longer period of time, such as writing a novel or running marathons. In recent weeks you may have been reconsidering some aspect of your home and family life, hopefully gaining clarity that has enabled you to take action in that area of life around whatever insight was gained. Perhaps some of this material could be useful in your creative projects. For example, if you learned something about your family dynamics, this could inspire your art. At the very least, it could help you to be more intentional about your approach to fun and avoid your default programming.
Virgo Rising:
For you, 2019 may have had an unusually strong emphasis on home and family, likely bringing you lots of good things in this area of life. As Jupiter prepares to move on from this area of your life to focus on fun and creativity, take a look back on what you’ve learned this year about home and family and set your intentions for this area for the year ahead. Mercury’s retrograde through your third house likely had you reconsidering aspects of your daily schedule, the ways you communicate with others, and what you’re interested in learning. Mars’ ingress into Scorpio coupled with Mercury’s direct station should provide you with both clarity and ambition to take action around these insights and to communicate with others about them. If you can somehow blend these insights with intentionally imagining your best wishes for a partner or close friends, you will likely be able to synthesise these things into a concrete, creative project. I know that sounds weird but just try it and let me know how it goes.
Libra Rising:
Jupiter’s reign in Sagittarius has likely resulted in a year of growth in regards to communication, education, and transportation. You may have found yourself learning new ways of communicating, or simply keeping a much busier and more social schedule than at other times. Now is the time to look back on everything that the year brought to this are of life and harvest your accumulated wisdom for the purpose of setting intentions for the year ahead. Of the many paths you took, which are worth pursuing? Mercury’s retrograde through Scorpio had you rethinking what is of value to you. Now that Mercury is direct and Mars is also in this sign, you know what you want and you aren’t afraid to ask for it. Combine this with intentionally imagining the work you do, and you’re likely to be able to create something tangible in your home and family life. For example, if you identified that you don’t have enough money because of your job, envision better work for yourself. That could look like working from home or collaborating with family.
Scorpio Rising:
In the past year you have hopefully experienced some degree of growth where your finances and values are concerned. It’s also possible you were unusually generous last year, or spent more than usual. Whatever happened, take a look at it, learn from it, and set some intentions for how you’d like to handle this area of life for the year ahead. Maybe you’d like to have more control over your budget or even change the way you earn your living. Meanwhile, Mercury’s retrograde had you rethinking how you present yourself to others, your physical appearance, your body. Now that Mercury is direct and Mars is there to clarify what you want, whatever you’d been mulling over is now actionable. To quote the Beatles, “How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people? Now that you know who you are, what do you want to be?” It’s possible that this insight could involve a choice to radically alter close relationships and friendships. Combining your desire with intentionally imagining what would be fun and creative for you could result in productive communication around these topics. That could be as simple as journaling or talking with your therapist, but it could also take the form of creative writing.
Sagittarius Rising:
Jupiter’s time in your first house over the past year has likely brought some pleasant developments in regards to your persona, your appearance, and how you present yourself to others. You may have been in jubilant spirits or had a boost of self-confidence and generosity. Whatever transpired, take a moment to think it over, learn from it, and then set your intentions for this area of life for the year ahead. By the way, how have your dreams been lately? Do you have a meditation practice? Mercury’s retrograde highlighted these topics, but if you don’t have a meditation practice or pay attention to your dreams, perhaps now would be a good time to consider cultivating your relationship with your unconscious in an intentional way. Get quiet and still and allow yourself the space to simply feel your feelings without trying to do something about them.
Capricorn Rising:
Over the past year, Jupiter has been bringing growth and expansion to your twelfth house. That could mean a number of things, depending on who you are and how you chose to work with this energy. You may have chosen to develop and deepen a meditation practice, or to record and analyse your dreams, or to go deep with a therapist or spiritual practice. Another way you could have handled this energy might have been expanding the ways you check out: watching more T.V., scrolling the abyss of social media, or getting wasted, trashed, obliterated. The twelfth house is where we look to transcend our physical circumstances, and it’s very easy to overlook maintenance here. Take some time to think about how you’ve worked with this area of life over the past year. Use what you’ve learned about yourself to set goals around working with this area of life intentionally for the year ahead. You likely have a lot going on socially at the moment, but that makes it all the more important to take good care of your mind. Get enough sleep. Take some time to sit quietly and do nothing but feel. If you’re already nailing it in the meditation department, consider levelling up or branching out with your practice.
Aquarius Rising:
2019 has hopefully been a great year for building your community. This new moon invites you to take stock of the events of the past year and to create new intentions for the year ahead around what you would like from and for the groups with which you associate. If you’ve been hanging out with tons of different people lately, you may want to narrow your scope and be more selective with who gets your time. Choose the tribes whose goals are in alignment with your own. Mercury’s retrograde likely had you reconsidering your career or public role, and the direct station plus Mars’ ingress into Scorpio have hopefully triggered clarity around these issues. Those insights may have catalysed a big change around your home or family. Be intentional in how you visualise your finances and take the time to meditate and care for your mental health. All of these recent events are clues which illuminate the best sorts of people with whom to associate in the year ahead.
Pisces Rising:
Jupiter has been in your tenth house for the past year, hopefully bringing growth and gifts to your career or public role. This new moon is your opportunity to look back on all that growth and decide what’s to stay and what’s to go in the year ahead as far as those topics are concerned. Mercury’s retrograde may have had you rethinking issues around travel, higher education, or your beliefs, but the direct station, coupled with Mars’ ingress into Scorpio should provide you with the answer you’ve been looking for: 42. Now it’s only a matter of figuring out what the question was. These insights may have triggered some shocking conversations or disrupted your usual schedule. Intentionally imagining yourself as you would like to be, mixed with communicating about your new philosophical insights, have the potential to create something useful and tangible for your community. It’s possible that all of this contains hints for the types of goals you might want to set around your career.