Lunar Eclipse in Cancer 2020
Art by Element Octothorpe
This Lunar Eclipse will be exact on 01/10/2020, 2:21 p.m. ET at 20 degrees of Cancer
With the Moon sharing the sign of Cancer with the North Node, there is a feeling of insatiability regarding comfort and possibly luxury. This need for comfort contrasts with the stellium of planets in Capricorn. The Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto are all in tight opposition to the Moon, highlighting the tension between the practical limitations of our circumstances and our desire for a softer, more luxurious existence. The Sun brings awareness to the issue, while Mercury allows us to express it to others. Saturn and Pluto have been intensifying limitations or the need for discipline for the past two years, and the Sun and Mercury help us to gain some degree of clarity around this, while the Moon highlights how all of this makes us feel. Especially highlighting issues of security.
Jupiter is also in Capricorn, less than one degree away from the South Node. Our faith and optimism regarding physical reality may be undergoing a sort of purge, realigning us with a more sustainable version.
Aries Rising
Over the past couple of years, the need to approach your career or public role with exceptional discipline and good boundaries has become increasingly clear. This lunar eclipse in Cancer highlights the contrast between your work life and your home life. You may feel a stronger-than-usual urge to stay home and spend some quality time with yourself or chosen family. If this time is rough for you, use this as an opportunity to discern what needs to go in order to change your home and family life in the future. However, this is not the time to take drastic actions. Carefully consider this matter over the next two weeks and plan to act over the subsequent six months.
Taurus Rising
For the past couple of years there has been a heavy focus in your life around your big-picture view of the world. There has likely been a need to have extraordinary discipline and to face hard truths regarding your beliefs as well as issues related to long-distance travel. This lunar eclipse highlights a contrasting area of life: your daily schedule. Perhaps there is some way in which your beliefs or travels get in the way of your ability to give yourself time to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally in your day-to-day life. Use what comes up today as information that can help you to figure out what needs to go from your schedule in order to make time for self-care on a regular basis.
Gemini Rising
The past few years have emphasized responsibility and difficult truths regarding shared resources and debts. This lunar eclipse highlights those things that you do own, that are yours. There may be some tension between what you share or owe and what you actually own. Your possessions are tied in with your sense of emotional security, and you may have a moment of feeling like you need more and more to feel emotionally safe during this eclipse. However, eclipses are better suited for letting things go. Things accumulated under this lunation are likely to cause some trouble, or at the very least fail to satisfy. Instead, use whatever comes up for you around this time to determine what you need to let go of in order to make room for better financial security in the future.
Cancer Rising
The last two years have brought an increase in your need for responsibility and good boundaries in your partnerships and close friendships. In contrast, this lunar eclipse puts the focus on you and your need for emotional security and physical comfort. There may be tension between all of the demands of your relationships and your need to care for yourself. Use whatever comes up around these topics to help you determine if some of the ways you have been protecting yourself need to go in order to make room for healthier behaviors. For example, stress-eating could be replaced with breathing exercises.
Leo Rising
The last two years have likely emphasized the need for greater discipline around your physical health, and you may have been confronted with some unpleasant truths in this area. In contrast, this lunation highlights your mental health. There may be tension between your physical and mental well-being that comes up. There are many things that one can do on the physical level that can positively or negatively effect mental health. For example, the quality and quantity of sleep, healthy food, and exercise all contribute to one’s mental well-being or lack thereof. If you find yourself feeling emotionally off around this time, consider what things you could let go of in order to make room for a healthier, happier mind. A good place to start is by ditching intoxicants and mindless time-wasters like social media and replace them with meditation and other consciously chosen mental activities.
Virgo Rising
The past two years have brought the need for increased responsibility and boundaries around what you create or do for fun in light of some perhaps unpleasant truths regarding those things. Creations include children as well as art, music, and whatever one does for fun. This lunar eclipse will shift the focus, highlighting instead your community. There may be some tension between your need to feel emotionally secure in your community and the ways you’ve been creating and having fun. Use whatever comes up for you around this lunation to determine what aspects of your community you might let go of in order to make room for a healthier, more supportive one to emerge in the future. This is probably a better time for brainstorming and making plans for that purge rather than taking actions now.
Libra Rising
This Lunar Eclipse highlights your need for comfort and security in your career. Maybe a need to protect your vulnerability in the public sphere. This happens at the same time as you are gaining clarity around the limitations of your family and home. The past two years have called upon you to develop exceptional discipline and perhaps even a spartan mentality in regards to what you can realistically expect from the people and places where your roots have grown. So it’s possible that this lunation might highlight how these developments in your foundation are affecting your ability to feel emotionally secure out in the world and at your job. Use whatever comes up at this time to help you figure out what needs to go regarding career, but hold off on taking action for the next two weeks, then work your plan over the following six months.
Scorpio Rising
The past couple of years have emphasized the need for responsibility and boundaries in your day-to-day schedule. In contrast to this, the lunar eclipse in Cancer highlights your beliefs and perhaps also long distance travel. You may seek comfort and safety in philosophy, religion, or university studies. This need for a belief system that helps you feel emotionally secure could be in tension with the demands of your daily schedule. Use whatever comes up at this time to determine what beliefs, studies or travels you might let go of in order to make room for new ways of seeing the world that could better serve your emotional needs.
Sagittarius Rising
The past two years have brought to light the need for discipline and good boundaries regarding finances, possessions, and on a deeper lever, what you value. In contrast to this, the lunar eclipse in Cancer highlights those things which you share with others as well as debt and topics related to death and mortality. There may be some tension between these two areas of life, as you seek emotional safety via shared resources at this time. Use whatever comes up during this lunation to get clear on what aspects of debt and those things that you use but do not own must go in order to make room for this area of life to bring you a greater sense of security in the future.
Capricorn Rising
The past couple of years have called upon you to be more responsible and have better boundaries around how you present yourself to others, even as you are confronted with considerably unpleasant truths. In contrast to this, the lunar eclipse highlights your relationships with significant others, good friends, and even clients if your work involves that kind of thing. During this time you may experience tension between your need for these people to bring you emotional security (or their need of this from you) and the self-discipline you’ve been cultivating in your personality. Use whatever comes up around the eclipse to identify which aspects of these relationships need to go in order to make room for a more nourishing dynamic to flourish in their place.
Aquarius Rising
The past couple of years have brought to light the need for increased discipline and boundaries around your mental health or addictions. In contrast to this, the lunar eclipse in Cancer emphasizes your physical health. There could be tension between what you need to do to feel comfortable in your body and your mental health. For example, you could drink to avoid feelings of depression and then suffer the physical consequences of a hangover the next day. Or a positive example could be keeping up a daily meditation routine and finding this has given you the resources to make yourself go for a run even when it’s cold and you don’t feel like it. Whatever comes up for you around this time, use it to identify what health practices you need to let go of in order to make room for better practices that will truly support your well-being.
Pisces Rising
The past two years have emphasized the need to be responsible and have good boundaries with your friend groups and community. In contrast to this, the lunar eclipse highlights what you do to be creative and have fun. If you have children, those would also be emphasized here. You may feel a greater than usual drive to seek emotional security via these means at this time. There may be tension between these creative pursuits and your community. Use whatever comes up to identify what aspects of those things you do for fun could be let go of in order to make room for other, more emotionally satisfying activities to take their place in the future.