Libra New Moon 2021

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This new moon will be exact at 13 degrees of Libra on 6 October, 2021, at 12:05 p.m. UK/ 7:05 a.m. ET/ 4:05 a.m. PT

New moons are generally times when we prepare to begin something new. With this particular new moon, what we begin may be more of an internal process than one initially characterized by outward action.

The Moon and Sun form their exact conjunction as both apply to a conjunction with Mars. The Sun and Mars will form an exact conjunction two days later on 8 October, marking the beginning of a new two-year cycle. (Read all about that here.) So at the time of this lunation, we are at the very end of the previous Mars cycle. We are looking at a beginning (new moon) heavily influenced by an ending (Mars cycle.)

In the second decan of Libra, Sun, Moon and Mars highlight the agreements we make with others. One of the potential downfalls of this placement is a tendency to find ourselves in agreements that don’t serve us well.

Mercury is retrograde, co-present with the Sun, Moon and Mars in Libra. Mercury retrogrades are periods where it is best to re-consider, re-work, and re-visit things we’ve already done, rather than to begin something completely new. You can read more about this particular Mercury retrograde period here.

Mercury is also forming a trine to Jupiter and a square to Pluto. Re-thinking our agreements with others causes friction with uncomfortable truths regarding traditions, hierarchies, and power structures, but also flows well together with considering the wisdom of cutting losses.

Venus, the ruler of Libra, is at the tail end of Scorpio, closely applying to an out-of-sign conjunction to the South Node in Sagittarius. While Venus here can signify attracting potentially unconscious and detrimental objects of desire, the South Node attempts to purge it of the underlying beliefs behind those destructive compulsions.

Putting all of these pieces together, this lunation seems best-suited to beginning a process of self-inventory and self-inquiry. Consider which house Libra occupies in your natal chart, and the corresponding life-area indicated. How are your attempts to harmonize with others in that area actually serving you?

Rather than jumping to conclusions and immediately taking actions to correct the situation, give this inquiry time to unfold, at least until a few days after Mercury has stationed direct on 18 October. There are many indications in this lunation chart that our initial instincts at this time might not be the most trustworthy, which is why a slower process is recommended.

The ultimate goal will be to identify which agreements are worth keeping and which would be best to annul or re-configure.

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