Sagittarius New Moon 2022
Painting: “Archers Shooting Their Arrows” by Anonymous
This new moon will be exact at 1 degrees and 37 minutes of Sagittarius on Wednesday, 23 November 2022 at 2:57 p.m. PST/ 5:57 p.m. EST / 10:57 p.m. GMT
In This Article
New Moons in General
This New Moon's Chart
TLDR Summary
Topics by Rising Sign
New Moons in General
New moons coincide with new beginnings and thus indicate opportunities for intention setting and initiating new endeavors.
New moons occur every 28 days. Over the course of one year, there will be one new moon in each of the twelve signs, which correspond to each of the twelve houses (areas of life) in your birth chart. You can use these events as occasions to annually review each one. Consider the topics represented in each new moon's chart and set related goals for the corresponding life area. That way, you'll intentionally work on every part of your life throughout the year, focusing on one per month. The Topics by Rising Sign section at the end of this article will help you determine which life area this new moon will activate in your natal chart.
Set your intentions on the day of the new moon. The two weeks following the new moon are typically excellent times to take initial steps related to those intentions. For the next six months, set goals, make plans and take actions in alignment with those intentions.
Six months later, when the full moon occurs in the same sign, check in with how your approach to your goal has served you, and readjust as needed.
This New Moon's Chart Features
Moon conjunct Sun in Sagittarius' first decan: While all new moons are opportunities to set goals and intentions, this new moon is extra goal-oriented. Sagittarian goals are fueled by our most passionate beliefs, inspiring action. And once we begin, we persist until our goal is completed.
Moon and Sun loosely conjunct Venus and Mercury: Connecting with others, inspiring enthusiasm, and communicating our beliefs will be important aspects of the goals we set now. While impassioned communication is emphasized here, reasoned analysis will be somewhat impaired by that passion. Think of how mob mentality or groupthink can result in lots of spirited but destructive action that doesn't make much sense when one is not swept up in the emotions of the crowd. Awareness of this potential pitfall can help us avoid it. Used positively, this energy can rally people for a good cause.
Sagittarius' ruler Jupiter retrograde in Pisces' third decan, conjunct Neptune: The beliefs fueling our goals right now are extra large and extra dreamy. They are rooted more in optimistic, other-worldly imagination than they are in pragmatic reality. This can inspire us to aim higher than we normally would, which can help us achieve more than if we aimed realistically. But it is not great for accurate assessments. It would be very good energy for writing fiction. Or, on the dark side, concocting conspiracy theories both global and personal.
Moon, Sun, Venus and Mercury all applying to oppose Mars, retrograde in Gemini's third decan, between now and the next full moon: Between this new moon and the next full moon on 7 December, we'll experience tension between our new belief-driven goals and our actions. One by one, the planets responsible for our emotions, our vitality, our ability to connect and communicate with others will each generate tension with the planet most directly associated with action, passion, and aggression. Mars' retrograde means redoing our actions or reconsidering how we act, rather than charging ahead as usual. And in Gemini, the options for how to act are endless and make decisions difficult. That could be frustrating as we attempt to pursue our new goals. Balancing the needs of both interests will require some creativity.
TLDR Summary
This new moon will be great for setting goals to act according to what we believe, and to inspire others to join us in our cause. As we get swept up in the passion of our beliefs and the energy of the crowd, we may easily lose sight of what is real and reasonable. This can be great in the brainstorming phase of a project, but less so for practical execution of the final design. For the next two weeks we'll have to be creative to resolve tensions between our new goals and the actions we take to achieve them. Be prepared to slow down and consider new ways to pursue your aims.
Set intentions: Consider the topics and themes described in the Chart Features and TLDR Summary section above. If you know your rising sign, check the Topics by Rising Sign list below for the topics this lunation will activate for you specifically. Spend some time brainstorming on these combined topics. What are the most positive, desirable versions of these themes you can imagine for yourself? If you find yourself imagining negative scenarios that seem dauntingly plausible, think about what practical steps you could take to turn that situation positive. I like to write a list of my goals during new moons, but you could get creative with it and make some art or a vision board to visually represent your intentions.
Make plans: Once your intentions are set, consider actions to take over the next six months to make your vision a reality. Figure out what you'll do and when you'll do it.
Plant metaphorical seeds: Over the next two weeks (between now and the next full moon) take the first steps toward the goals you've set.
Work that plan: Follow through on your plan for the next six months, until the Sagittarius full moon, which will coincide with the culmination of your effort.
Topics by Rising Sign
If you know your rising sign you can further individualize your approach by considering the house topics Sagittarius represents for you. If you don't know your rising sign, you can email me your birth date, time and city and I'll look it up for you:
Aries: Beliefs, higher education, long-distance travel
Taurus: Inheritance, shared resources, taxes, debt, mortality
Gemini: Romantic partners, close friends, clients
Cancer: Physical health, work, chores, pets, service
Leo: Creativity, children, leisure
Virgo: Home, family, private life
Libra: Communication, daily schedule, siblings, commute
Scorpio: Finances, values, self-worth
Sagittarius: Self-presentation, appearance, personality, body
Capricorn: Solitude, meditation, dreams, substance use, mental health
Aquarius: Community, friend groups, goals
Pisces: Career, reputation, public life