Full Moon in Leo 2020
The Leo Full Moon will be exact at 2:33 a.m. ET on 02/09/2020
Art by Element Octothorpe
The Moon’s receptive body in Leo courageously reflects the Sun’s illumination from cool Aquarius. While the Sun contemplates renunciation, the Moon feels emboldened in defending beliefs. Both are applying to soft aspects to Mars, who adds extra bravery plus the will to put the full force of one’s passion into pursuing a goal to the end.
Meanwhile, Mercury floats dreamily through Pisces under Neptune’s influence, preparing for his retrograde on February 17th at 12 degrees of Pisces. Our minds may refuse to cooperate with our ambitions, or they may supply us with ideas too lofty for practical manifestation. Jupiter’s sextile to Neptune amplifies our imaginations, though it will be up to us to ensure that our dreams serve us by inspiring realistic actions rather than fueling dangerous delusions.
Aries Rising
This Full Moon represents the culmination of your efforts regarding creativity, pleasure and children over the past six months. You may find yourself contemplating leaving behind a group of friends or a community, and the Full Moon will shine light on how you feel about your creations in contrast to those issues. You might feel inclined to courageously defend what you’ve created, and you’re likely to have the energy now to get lots accomplished towards a passionate goal. Venus’ recent ingress into Aries can incline you to connect with others in a contentious way and to enjoy arguing more than getting along. Find constructive outlets for this, such as thoughtfully tackling an issue that really matters, rather than picking meaningless fights with your partner or playing devil’s advocate just to stir things up. Use the events of this time to reflect back on your creative efforts over the past six months, and decide which are worth keeping and which to let go of or refine over the next six months. Mercury’s upcoming retrograde will have implications for your schedule and your work tasks. Taking adequate quality time to yourself each day will help you to sort through these issue with increased effectiveness.
Taurus Rising
This Full Moon represents a culmination of your efforts around your family and home over the past six months. You may find yourself contemplating leaving behind some aspect of your career or public role, and this lunation shines light on how you feel about your home and family in relation to those developments. You may feel inclined to courageously defend your family or home while pursuing a goal of regarding debt, shared resources, or something related to mortality or ancestry. Venus’ ingress into your 12th house could compel you toward picking meaningless fights, possibly with yourself. If you do experience this, try taking some quality time alone to meditate, make art, dance, or otherwise work creatively with your mental health. Use the events and feelings that come up around this lunation to reflect back on your efforts around your family and home over the past six months, and to refine your approach over the next six months. Mercury’s upcoming retrograde mid-month will have implications for your community, finances, and creative pursuits. Take extra care when communicating or planning around these topics, as it is highly likely that you’ll miss important details if you don’t.
Gemini Rising
This Full Moon represents the culmination of your efforts in the realm of communication, your daily schedule and your siblings over the past six months. You may find yourself contemplating leaving a belief system or field of study around this time, and this lunation highlights the way you feel about your day-to-day activities in contrast to those developments. You might want to passionately defend yourself, a sibling, or your writing or speech to a partner, close friend or co-worker. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is sharing space with Neptune in your 10th house of career, while making plans to station retrograde on February 17th. So perhaps temper your passionate communications where your career and also your family is concerned, understanding that you are unlikely to fully understand nor be fully understood in those realms until Mercury clears Neptune’s influence on March 30th. Take care to see things as clearly as possible during this time and consider the many points of view that you cannot know. Use the events and feelings that come up around this lunation to reflect back on your efforts around your schedule, communications and siblings over the past six months, and to refine your approach to these over the next six months.
Cancer Rising
This Full Moon represents a culmination of your efforts over the past six months in the realm of finances, possessions, and values. You may find yourself contemplating leaving behind a debt, or cutting your connection to a shared resource, drafting a will, or even thinking about what really matters to you when you acknowledge the inevitability of one day having to leave your body behind. This lunation will highlight how you feel about your possessions and values in contrast to those considerations. You may feel more than usual that what you own defines you, and your attitude towards what you have could either boost or deflate your self-image based on your assessment of what you have. Shifting your focus to your values can help you improve your emotional state if you’re feeling down about this stuff. You could feel driven to courageously defend your possessions and values, especially by doing more work than usual or even working out to improve your physical health. Use the events and feelings that come up around this lunation to reflect back on your efforts around your finances and values over the past six months, and to refine your approach over the next six months. Mercury’s upcoming retrograde will have implications for your beliefs, higher education, long-distance travel, and your daily schedule and communications. Take extra care in communicating around these areas. For example, double-check your final exam before you turn it in, make sure you’re sending your emails to the right people, and leave wiggle room in your schedule for unexpected delays.
Leo Rising
This Full Moon represents a culmination of your efforts to develop your personality, appearance, and how you present yourself to others. You may find yourself contemplating leaving behind a relationship, friendship or business partner, and this lunation will highlight how you feel about yourself in contrast to that issue. You may feel the need to defend yourself. At the same time you might be fiercely determined to complete a creative project or some matter related to children, if you have them. If you do find that severing ties with a partner is necessary, be extra careful as you assess whatever joint finances and possessions you may have with this person, as Mercury approaches Neptune and prepares for a retrograde in the part of your chart that governs these topics. It’s probably best to avoid making major decisions regarding property until mid April if possible, as Mercury’s condition makes it unlikely that you will be pleased with the results of your actions in such matters prior to then. Use the events and feelings that come up at this time regarding the way you present yourself to others to reflect back on your approach to these matters over the past six months. Decide what is worth keeping, then refine your approach by removing that which doesn’t work between now and the next New Moon in Leo in August.
Virgo Rising
This Full Moon represents the culmination of your efforts in the area of your mental health, time spent in solitude, and meditation practice if you have one. You may find yourself contemplating leaving behind some aspect of your physical health routine, work tasks or household chores, and this lunation will highlight your mental health in contrast to those issues. You may have to defend your need for quality time spent alone each day. If you have been nurturing an addiction to a substance, behavior or glowing rectangle, this Full Moon could be a wakeup call to change your ways. You could also be roused to action to complete a project regarding your home or family. Take care in matters of partnership, career, and how you present yourself to others as Mercury, who rules your chart and your 10th house of career, is floating in the misty waters of Pisces, approaching Neptune and soon turning retrograde. That means you will need to take extra precautions to accurately perceive and be understood by others. It’s probably best to avoid making any major decisions in partnership, career and self-presentation until Mercury is clear of Pisces in April, if possible. Use the events and feelings that come up at this lunation to decide which of your efforts in the realm of mental health over the past six months are worth keeping and which must be discarded to make room for something better. Work on refining your approach between now and the next Leo New Moon in August.
Libra Rising
This Full Moon represents the culmination of your efforts in your community and friend groups over the past six months. You may find yourself contemplating leaving behind a creative project, breaking off a short-term relationship, or changing something about your approach to children if you have them. This lunation will highlight how you feel in your community in contrast to those considerations. You might feel roused to defend yourself to your group or to defend the group itself in some way, and to take some action in your daily schedule to accomplish your goal. Venus’ recent ingress into your 7th house of relationships may incline you to connect with others in a fiery, impulsive and combative way. That impulsiveness could also incline you toward taking rash actions where debt or shared resources are concerned. Look for constructive, intentional outlets for this energy over the next four weeks. Meanwhile, Mercury’s got his head in the clouds of Pisces and Neptune, with plans to turn retrograde later in the month. Pay extra attention to your work tasks and health regimen, as you’re likely to miss important details that will need to be revisited during the retrograde. Use the events and feelings that come up during this lunation to determine which aspects of your approach to community have been working and to start letting go of whatever hasn't over the next six months.
Scorpio Rising
This Full Moon represents the culmination of your efforts over the past six months regarding your career and public role or reputation. You might find yourself contemplating leaving some aspect of your home or family life, and this lunation will highlight how you feel in your career in contrast to those developments. You might feel the need to defend yourself or your business at work and are likely to have plenty of energy to pursue a goal related to money, possessions or values. You may feel inclined to connect with coworkers in an impulsive or combative way. Just don't do anything that would get you reported to HR. If you have children or creative projects, be mindful in your communications in these areas until mid April, as Mercury’s upcoming retrograde will increase the likelihood of misperceptions and miscommunications regarding these topics. Your community, debt and shared resources are also areas where you’ll want to be extra careful with your communications and plans during Mercury’s prolonged meanderings through Pisces. Use whatever transpires during this Full Moon weekend to decide which aspects of your approach to career are worth keeping and to let go of the rest over the next six months.
Sagittarius Rising
This Full Moon represents the culmination of your efforts around higher education, beliefs and long-distance travels over the past six months. You may find yourself contemplating leaving behind some aspect of your daily schedule, and this lunation will highlight how your feelings about your world view contrast with your day-to-day life. You could feel the need to defend your beliefs and may be roused to take decisive and passionate action toward a goal. Values and finances are likely to be more important to you this year than at other times, and you might be interested in figuring out how to do more with less. Your optimism around these practical matters can work constructively with your highest ideals for home and family to produce a vision that serves you. Make sure to consciously choose your ideal vision, otherwise a vision of anxiety could just as easily take root in your mind and then play out in the areas of home, family and finances. Mercury’s upcoming retrograde in Pisces is a great time for you to draft and rewrite your ideal vision of home, but you might want to avoid putting any of these dreams into action until Mercury leaves Pisces in mid April of this year, as you’re likely to change your mind or overlook important details. Use whatever comes up around this Full Moon to determine which of your approaches to your world view, education and travels are worth keeping and which can be released over the next six months.
Capricorn Rising
This Full Moon represents the culmination of your efforts regarding shared resources, debt and issues of mortality over the past six months. You may find yourself contemplating leaving behind some aspect of your possessions, finances, or values, and this lunation will highlight how you feel about whatever you share with or owe to another in contrast to those considerations. You could feel moved to courageously defend a shared resource or an inheritance. This could also be a point where a recent desire to spend time alone, or an accumulation of anger due to not having enough time to yourself, inspires you to take passionate actions at home, with your family, and with your community. How you connect with your family and harmonize your home will have implications for your career and creative pursuits. Ask for what you want, but avoid picking fights when they’re unnecessary. Take extra care in your communications between now and mid April of this year, as Mercury’s upcoming retrograde and co-presence with Neptune are likely to lead to misunderstandings. It will be easy to mistake our worst fears for reality at this time, so take responsibility for your imagination and redirect it in a constructive direction if it wanders off into anxious-nightmare-land. Use whatever comes up around this Full Moon to determine which of your approaches to shared resources, debt and inheritance are worth keeping, and let go of the rest over the next six months.
Aquarius Rising
This Full Moon represents the culmination of your efforts regarding partnerships, be they lovers, close friends or business partners. You may find yourself contemplating leaving behind some aspect of your personality or appearance, and this lunation will highlight how you feel about your partners in contrast to those issues. Your partner might feel the need to courageously defend themselves, or you may want to defend them. This energy is likely to add fuel to your fire in pursuit of a goal in your community or friend group. Take extra care in your approach to finances, debt, children and creative projects between now and mid April of this year, as Mercury will affect all of these areas when he turns retrograde later this month, and Neptune’s co-presence won’t make seeing these matters any clearer. Use the next couple of months to review and revise your approach to all of those topics. Whatever occurs this Full Moon weekend, use it to reflect on your efforts in the realm of partnership. Keep that which is working and discard whatever isn’t over the next six months.
Pisces Rising
This Full Moon represents the culmination of your efforts regarding physical health, work tasks, household chores and pets if you have them. All the things that need regular service and maintenance to function well. You may find yourself contemplating getting some space from your community to have more time alone. Or maybe you are thinking about releasing some aspect of your meditation practice. Another possibility is you could be considering letting go of a substance or behavior with which you have an addictive relationship. Whichever is the case for you, this lunation will highlight issues of health and service and how you feel about these things in contrast to what you’re considering leaving behind. With the addiction example, you could be feeling the physical repercussions of drinking or watching too much TV. A positive example could be recognizing that your meditation practice has helped you maintain a regular exercise routine, and now you feel great as a result. You might feel compelled to courageously defend your work, which motivates you to pursue your career with passion and fervor. Use whatever comes up for you around these topics this weekend to determine which of your approaches to health and work tasks are worth keeping, then let go of the rest over the next six months. With Mercury sharing Pisces with Neptune and about to go retrograde mid month, be extra careful to communicate clearly, especially with family, close friends and partners. Leave room for the likelihood that you will need extra time to get to the heart of any issue you may be discussing or planning until Mercury leaves Pisces in mid-April.