Libra Solar Eclipse 2024
Art by Christina Libetti
This eclipse will be exact at 10 degrees and 3 minutes of Libra on 2 October 2024 at 11:49 a.m. PDT/ 2:49 p.m. EDT/ 7:49 p.m. BST
In This Article
Solar Eclipses in General
This Solar Eclipse's Chart Features
Topics by Rising Sign
Solar Eclipses in General
A solar eclipse is similar to a new moon in that both occur when the sun and moon are at the same degree of the Zodiac at the same time, but with some important differences. During an ordinary new moon, the brilliance of the sun's rays obscures our view of the moon, beginning a new cycle related to the themes of the sign the two luminaries occupy. The vitality of spirit represented by the sun overtakes the physicality and emotionality of the body represented by the moon. We tend to have less energy for a few days during a new moon, then pick up steam with renewed vigor when the moon once again becomes visible. Astrologers commonly use the new moon phase for intention-setting, because the connection with spirit and vision is stronger while the physical and emotional capacity to act is relatively dormant or hidden.
However, during a solar eclipse, the already darkened moon obscures the light of the sun, resulting in a low-energy physical and emotional state that temporarily cuts off our ability to see that energizing source of life, and beginning a considerably more challenging cycle than that of a new moon. What emerges from the darkness during these times seems to come out of nowhere and change our lives over the course of the following 6 months. So eclipses, unlike new moons, are poorly suited for intention-setting. They are times to play it safe and to expect the unexpected.
This Solar Eclipse's Chart Features
Solar Eclipse conjunct the South Node, with Sun and Moon tightly conjunct Mercury in Libra's 2nd decan*: The focus of this eclipse is the release or disappearance of a diplomatic arrangement, or the agreements that keep a relationship fair for both parties. Attempts to discuss these matters are blinded by the perception of this loss.
Libra's ruler Venus in aversion to Libra in Scorpio's second decan conjunct Alphecca, trine ruler Mars in Cancer's second decan conjunct Sirius, trine Saturn in Pisces' second decan: The loss of fairness described above is further confused by a lack of connection to its source, which is an unbalanced drive to experience pleasure coupled with an ability to see all sides of one's position. That drive to connect is fueled by an unwieldy ambition to pursue one's will within a contained system, such as a family, but given the constraints of that system, that pursuit may be covert. Connection and ambition are further supported by the separation of worlds.
Sun, Moon and Mercury square Mars, with Mars in the superior position: The pursuit of one's will within a closed system is in conflict with fair agreements, and such pursuits are likely to result in the destruction of an agreement that once served an important role but now stands in the way of what is desired and what one is willing to fight for.
* I use Austin Coppock's book 36 Faces as a reference for writing about the decans.
This eclipse coincides with the disintegration of an agreement that once served to keep relations between two parties fair and equitable. Now, that agreement stands in the path of other pursuits. The need to pursue an ambition within a closed group or system, the desire for pleasure, and the separation of worlds are all factors contributing to the destruction of the old arrangement. A new agreement will likely take time to develop, as this is not a time for fruitful discussions, but rather a time to prioritize one's desired position within a given system to ensure that future agreements better fit one's true desires.
Be more careful than usual: Since unpredictability is a key factor in any eclipse, this is not the day to take unnecessary risks, especially those that could result in physical injury or loss of livelihood.
Consider your agreements with others: How are your goals within a closed system, such as a business, family, group, or relationship, in conflict with your current agreements with that system? How would you like to re-negotiate those agreements to better serve your goals? In what position would you find yourself if you upheld your end of the agreement as it currently stands and the other party did not? These are questions to reflect on now, but use your best judgement when deciding if this is the moment to act-- if possible, wait until the October 17th Aries full moon or later to begin working your plan.
Avoid starting something important: The chart of the moment you begin something new will influence the way that thing turns out. Unless you want your new endeavor to be consistently volatile and possibly dangerous, just wait for better skies. At the very least wait until the day after the eclipse, but if you can, I would hold off on starting anything new until after the next normal new moon, which will be in Scorpio on November 1st.
Woo-woo stuff: Many astrologers recommend taking a bath and adding salt to the water during eclipses. You may also choose to burn sage or palo santo. If you're magically inclined, the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram can be helpful. The Vedic tradition of astrology offers many mantras that one can chant to propitiate the energy of the eclipse, and these are easy to find on YouTube by searching for "Ketu eclipse mantras." Simple meditation can also do the trick.
Topics by Rising Sign
If you know your rising sign you can further individualize your approach by considering the house topics Libra represents for you. If you don't know your rising sign, you can email me your birth date, time and city and I'll look it up for you:
Aries: Romantic partners, close friends, clients
Taurus: Physical health, work, chores, pets, service
Gemini: Creativity, children, leisure
Cancer: Home, family, private life
Leo: Communication, daily schedule, siblings, commute
Virgo: Finances, possessions, values
Libra: Self-presentation, appearance, personality, body
Scorpio: Solitude, meditation, dreams, substance use, mental health
Sagittarius: Community, friend groups, goals
Capricorn: Career, reputation, public life
Aquarius: Beliefs, higher education, long-distance travel
Pisces: Inheritance, shared resources, taxes, debt, mortality