Aquarius New Moon 2022
Painting by Francisco de Goya
This new moon will be exact at 12 degrees and 20 minutes of Aquarius on 31 January 2022 9:46 p.m. PST/ 1 February 2022 12:46 a.m. EST/ 5:46 a.m. GMT
New moons coincide with new beginnings and are thus best suited for intention setting.
Over the course of one year, you’ll have a new moon in each of the twelve life-areas (called houses) in your birth chart. You can use these as annual check-ins for each aspect of your life by considering the topics represented in each new moon's chart and setting related intentions for the corresponding life-area. That way, you will intentionally work on each aspect of your life throughout the year, focusing on one per month.
Plan to follow through on those intentions over the next six months. The two weeks following the new moon are typically good times to begin new projects related to the intentions you set.
Below, you'll find a guide to this particular new moon's chart features, followed by recommendations and ending with a list of house topics according to your rising sign.
This lunation's chart features:
Sun, Moon and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius' second decan: The beginning of this six-month cycle is characterized by themes of individuality, innovation, impartiality, objectivity, detachment, and sovereignty. The energy of this lunation favors logic over emotion. Discipline, boundaries, responsibility and rules will play a crucial role in what begins at this time, but they will likely be unconventional and perhaps even unknown or unseen.
Sun, Moon and Saturn separating from a square to Uranus in Taurus: All of the qualities listed in the previous bullet are emerging from an abrasive relationship with sudden changes to normally stable resources such as food, finances, environment, raw materials, fuel, and so on.
Taurus' ruler Venus, now direct in Capricorn's second decan, trine Uranus: Those unpredictably changing resources are strongly influenced and supported by connections with others. These connections center around organizing and designing practical solutions to the problems caused by that instability, or to capitalize on the opportunities that arise as a result of them. From 19 December 2021 to 29 January 2022, we revisited past connections in one way or another, hopefully finding closure and healing along the way. By this point we should be ready to embrace authentic change and to design ways of pushing unexpected events in the desired direction.
Mars in Capricorn's first decan, approaching a prolonged conjunction to Venus: Meanwhile, ambition, passion and even aggression increasingly infuse our connections with others. This should be helpful for strategizing with others regarding practical matters. This conjunction could also result in connections that are primarily about achieving materialistic goals. Normally conjunctions between Mars and Venus are fleeting, but this one will last through most of March 2022. When the two planets move into Aquarius in early March, the tone of our connections with others will shift from grounded pragmatism to cool-headed intellectualism.
Mercury, about to station direct, conjunct Pluto in Capricorn's third decan: Since 14 January 2022, we've been rethinking, reworking, and revising many of the topics covered in the previous bullets: starting with innovation, alienation and unconvention, and winding up where we find ourselves at the time of this new moon, taking another look at an uncomfortable truth, a source of trauma or an object of obsession. We'll be ready to move forward with clear thinking and communication after 4 February 2022, but at the moment of this lunation, we find ourselves revisiting an intense issue, possibly regarding power, traditions, hierarchy, institutions, or history.
Mars, Venus, Mercury retrograde and Pluto in Capricorn sextile Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces: Taking action, connecting with others, rethinking the past and diving deeply regarding earthly matters are all in a stimulating relationship with optimism, growth, imagination and the dissolution of boundaries regarding emotional matters.
Set intentions: Consider the topics and themes described in the Chart Features section above. If you know your rising sign, check the list below for the life-area this lunation will impact for you specifically. Spend some time brainstorming on these topics. What are the most positive, desirable versions of these themes you can imagine for yourself? If you find yourself imagining negative scenarios that seem dauntingly plausible, think about what practical steps you could take to turn that situation positive. I like to write a list of my goals during new moons, but you could get creative with it and make some art or a vision board to visually represent your intentions.
Make Plans: Once your intentions are set, think about actions you can take over the next six months to make your vision a reality. Figure out what you'll do and decide when you'll do each thing.
Wait for Mercury retrograde to end before beginning new projects: Mercury will station direct on February 3rd or 4th depending on your time zone. Often the days on either side of the direct station can be a bit wonky, so it might be best to wait a few days to metaphorically break ground on whatever you plan to build.
Take care of your mental health: These are not the cuddliest of times, and some people may tend to feel a bit depressed with the heavy Saturn influence in this chart. Be sure to have your self-care toolkit handy to support yourself in case the blues come a-knockin'.
Topics by Rising Sign
If you know your rising sign you can further individualize your approach by considering the house topics Capricorn represents for you. If you don't know your rising sign, you can email me your birth date, time and city and I'll look it up for you:
Aries: Community, friend groups, goals
Taurus: Career, reputation, public life
Gemini: Beliefs, higher education, long-distance travel
Cancer: Inheritance, shared resources, taxes, debt, mortality
Leo: Romantic partners, close friends, clients
Virgo: Physical health, work, chores, pets, service
Libra: Creativity, children, leisure
Scorpio: Home, family, private life
Sagittarius: Communication, daily schedule, siblings, commute
Capricorn: Finances, values, self-worth
Aquarius: Self-presentation, appearance, personality, body
Pisces: Solitude, meditation, dreams, substance use, mental health