Full Moon in Pisces 2019
Art by Element Octothorpe
9/14/2019 12:33 a.m. Eastern Time
Horoscopes for this Full Moon are organized by rising sign. If you don’t know your rising sign, feel free to email me to ask.
Aries rising:
Take a look at what your dreams are telling you about your health and the services you are providing to others. Have you been burning the candle at both ends? Working too hard and then partying to let off steam? Re-prioritize your mental health, remembering to balance with physical health. Take some quality time just for yourself, to replenish your reserve of inspiration. Consider saying goodbye to booze, weed, and mindless distractions like social media. Say hello to meditation, dream analysis, and self-inquiry. What are the premises informing your assumptions? Are they true for who you are now? Or are they the products of old programming your parents installed in your childhood? Let go of whatever is not in alignment with what you consciously know to be true now.
Taurus Rising:
Lately you may have been working extra hard to bring a creative vision into reality. This full moon asks you to look at your tribe and how well they support that vision. How is your community living up to your ideals? Do you have good boundaries when it comes to your friend groups? Or do you find yourself making sacrifices and adapting in ways you'd rather not? This is a great time to think about what is and is not working in that area of your life. Let go of those aspects of community which are not in alignment with your goals. Make sure your community supports you and your efforts to create something healing and helpful.
Gemini Rising
Recently you may have been doing a lot of work around your home or perhaps unusually busy with family matters. This full moon asks you to check in with how all of this is balancing with your career or role in the community. Do you have good boundaries at work? Or are you sacrificing your personal well-being while bending to your employer's every whim and request? Try writing out what your boundaries are and consider having a talk with the boss about who, what, when, where, why and how you are willing to work. You need some time at home and with your close friends and lovers to be a sane and productive worker. Sometimes less truly is more: studies show that you will be more productive if you take a break from working every 90-120 minutes. If you can get outside for these breaks, even just to take a quick walk around the block, all the better. Give yourself periods of rest throughout the day and you will get more done in less time.
Cancer rising:
Lately you may have been keeping a very busy schedule, talking and writing with people more often than usual in an effort to complete a project. This full moon asks you to take a look at the big picture in the light of the work you've been doing. As you go from one obligation to the next, are these appointments ultimately taking you in the direction you'd like? Do your beliefs about how the world works or should work align with your day-to-day actions? Are you practicing your spirituality or philosophy in a way that feels right for you? Or has your perspective changed? Take a look at what you believe to be the structure of reality and feel what is no longer working there. Consider writing out a list of things you used to believe and what you now believe. For example, "I used to believe that if I'm not constantly working for others, I must be selfish. Now I believe that in order for me to offer my best services to others, I must give myself time to be a little bit selfish."
Leo rising:
In recent weeks you may have been working to organize your finances and looking for ways to reconcile them with your creative ambitions. This full moon asks you to look at the things that you get to use but cannot claim as your own, such as items you share with your family, partners, and roommates. Libraries, maker-labs, car-shares and co-working facilities may also fall into this category. There may be a way in which these shared resources could benefit from adjustments. Are you sharing more than you can afford, using more (or less) than your fair share? Is a partner, lover, child or hobby using more than you can realistically support? This is a great time for re-evaluating your boundaries in these areas and talking with those whom you share about how to use these resources in a more fair and sustainable manner.
Virgo rising:
While you've been busy working on yourself and improving your home and family dynamics, this evening's full moon highlights how you could benefit from making adjustments to the boundaries you hold with your partners, lovers, close friends and clients. It's good to be able to recognize where you end and your partner begins. Adults are not responsible for each other's feelings. You are responsible for your own actions. Your partners are responsible for theirs. Make sure you're conducting yourself according to your own ideals without sacrificing your individual needs. Let go of anything bothering you that isn't actually yours, especially if it's holding you back from being your truest self.
Libra rising:
Lately you may have been doing more work than usual in the area of understanding your own psyche, those ideas or beliefs that form the backdrop to your experience and go largely unnoticed or unquestioned. In light of what you've been learning about yourself, this full moon may bring up areas where the services you perform for others have room for improvement. Perhaps you took your present job under the assumption that you were incapable or unworthy of the type of work you truly desire. If that’s the case, now is a great time to let go of those old beliefs. You may also want to take a look at how you are caring for your health. If you've been carrying out work and health tasks under old assumptions that you no longer believe, it's time to let those old practices go to make room for something better to replace them.
Scorpio rising:
In recent weeks you may have been extra focused on how you can be useful to your community. But are you having any fun? This full moon highlights your need to play and be creative. Is there any conflict between how you seek pleasure and the communities and friends you spend time with? Are the things you do for fun actually enjoyable? Or are you just tuning out? Maybe it's time to ditch Facebook in favor of spending actual time with actual humans. Maybe it's time to stop binge-watching Netflix and start writing your own script. Empower yourself to be the creator of your own content.
Sagittarius rising:
Lately you may have been busier than usual with your career, but this full moon asks you to consider how your home and family are working for you. Is your family or the way you were raised in conflict with the position you seek to occupy in the world? Take a look at your intimate surroundings and inner landscape and ask yourself if everything there is really necessary for the person you are working to become. It may be a good time to start the Mari Kondo process if you haven't already. You might need to establish better boundaries with family members. Transform the story of who your family told you you were supposed to be into the story of who you choose to be as an adult. Let go of those stories and artifacts from the past that stand in the way of who you are becoming now.
Capricorn rising:
These days you've likely been busy learning something useful, but this full moon could bring to light the need to communicate your ideas with more clarity and to listen to others more closely. Your enthusiasm could be getting in the way of your ability to communicate your ideas and feelings accurately, in a way that others can understand. And in your excitement, it could be easy to misunderstand what others are trying to say to you. Ask clarifying questions and show interest in what others have to say. Brush up on your Non-Violent Communication skills. Spend some time writing about your ideas to help clarify exactly what they are and brainstorm about how you can best convey them to others. If your schedule is overly cluttered, clarify your boundaries in that area as well. Let go of commitments that are no longer in alignment with your big picture goals.
Aquarius rising:
While you may have recently been busy working on some kind of shared resource to benefit your community, this full moon highlights your personal finances and your value system. It may be a good time to look through what you're spending your money on and evaluate whether each thing is really necessary. If not-spending on some things could enable you to save up for a longer-term goal, it may be worth it to cut those out. Similarly, take a look at your values and be sure that your actions are aligned to them. For example, if sustainability is important to you, make sure what you buy is environmentally friendly.
Pisces rising:
Recently you may have been intensely focused on partnerships, friends or clients, but this full moon asks you to get clear on who you are as an individual and how you want to present yourself to others. Your career or public role may have been spiking over the past year, but is your personality as you present it in alignment with who you are? Set boundaries around how you will and will not behave in public or on social media. You may also have the desire to change something about your physical appearance, to make an adjustment to how you look or dress so that how you look more accurately reflects how you'd like others to see you. Let go of what no longer works so there is plenty of room for what does work to shine.